
Tax Project Institute

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The Cura Annonae: A Historical Lesson in Entitlement Programs
The Cura Annonae: A Historical Lesson in Entitlement Programs

The Cura Annonae Roman Entitlement program both helped and ultimately hurt Rome.

The Tax Project Institute Launches Personalized Federal Tax Receipts
The Tax Project Institute Launches Personalized Federal Tax Receipts

Generate your own Federal Tax Receipt with breakdown by spending area.

Why is How Much the Government Spends a Moving Target?
Why is How Much the Government Spends a Moving Target?

How much did we spend? The question seems simple enough: how much does the government spend each year? Yet, the answer is surprisingly elusive. Unlike your household budget, the vast and complex nature of government spending makes it incredibly difficult to pin down a single, definitive number. This lack of

Would the United States qualify for a Mortgage?
Would the United States qualify for a Mortgage?

If the US applied for a mortgage, would they get a loan?

Where does the US derive authority to tax?
Where does the US derive authority to tax?

One of the strongest powers granted to Congress, the authority to Tax.

Pareto Principle and Taxes
Pareto Principle and Taxes

How a 19th century Botanist influenced your Taxes

Fair Share?
Fair Share?

What is a Fair Share of Taxes? A lot of news and politicians have been talking about “Fair Share” with regards to citizens paying taxes, particularly the so-called Top 1%. Many of these are based on the belief that Wealthy People aren’t paying their “Fair” share of taxes. Americans, maybe

“Death and Taxes”: A Citizen’s Responsibility in a Thriving Nation
Death and Taxes

Civic Duty, Moral Obligation, Morbid Fate, or something in between.

Are Billionaires the Solution?
Billionaires Cash

Are Billionaires the answer to our Tax problems?

Behavioral Taxes: Essential Services vs. Behavior Shaping
Behavior Tax

Shaping Choice or Providing an Essential Service?

We are a Non-Profit

Tax Project Institute is a fiscally sponsored project of MarinLink, a California non-profit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service #20-0879422.

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Sunshine Week

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