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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
deficit (noun)
a) (1) in amount or quality - deficiency a deficit in rainfall
(2) a lack or impairment in a functional capacity - cognitive deficits a hearing deficit
b) - disadvantage scored two runs to overcome a 2–1 deficit
a) an excess of expenditure over revenue
b) a loss in business operations
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
deficit (noun)
a falling short of an essential or desirable amount or number
crunch, dearth, deficit, drought ( drouth), failure, famine, inadequacy, inadequateness, insufficiency, lack, lacuna, paucity, pinch, poverty, scantiness, scarceness, scarcity, shortage, undersupply, want
absence, omission; meagerness, poorness, skimpiness; necessity, need, privation
bountifulness, copiousness; excess, overabundance, oversupply, surfeit, surplus
abundance, adequacy, amplitude, opulence, plenitude, plenty, sufficiency, wealth
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