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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
dividend (noun)
an individual share of something distributed as
a) a share in a pro rata distribution (as of profits) to stockholders
b) a share of surplus allocated to a policyholder in a participating insurance policy
a) a resultant return or reward - our efforts are finally paying dividends
b) - bonus
a) a number to be - divided
b) a sum or fund to be divided and distributed
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
dividend (noun)
something given in addition to what is ordinarily expected or owed
cumshaw, dividend, donative, extra, gratuity, gravy, gravy train, lagniappe, perk, perquisite, throw-in, tip
pension; bestowal, presentation; benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, bounty, charity, generosity, largesse ( largess), philanthropy; contribution, donation, gift, offering, present; grant, subsidy; boon, manna, windfall; favor, freebie ( freebee), giveaway, premium; award, prize, reward; fringe benefit, icing
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