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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
efficient (adjective)
being or involving the immediate in producing an effect - agent the efficient action of heat in changing water to steam
productive of desired effects , especially productive without waste - an efficient worker effective
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
efficient (adjective)
producing or capable of producing a desired result
effectual, efficacious, efficient, fruitful, operative, potent, productive
hyperefficient, ultraefficient; adequate, capable, competent; accomplished, adept, consummate, experienced, expert, masterly, practiced ( practised), proficient, skilled, skillful, versed, veteran, virtuoso; cogent, convincing, killer, sound, striking, telling, valid; active, dynamic; useful, working; applicable, feasible, functional, practicable, practical, realizable, usable ( useable), workable
counterproductive; incapable, incompetent, inexperienced, inexpert, unqualified, unseasoned, unskilled, unskillful; abortive, bootless, futile, vain; empty, hollow, idle, pointless, unavailing, unprofitable, unsuccessful; inoperative, worthless
fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, inoperative, unfruitful, unproductive, useless
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