The Cura Annonae Roman Entitlement program both helped and ultimately hurt Rome.
Government Taxes
Where does the US derive authority to tax?
One of the strongest powers granted to Congress, the authority to Tax.
Fair Share?
What is a Fair Share of Taxes? A lot of news and...
“Death and Taxes”: A Citizen’s Responsibility in a Thriving Nation
Civic Duty, Moral Obligation, Morbid Fate, or something in between.
What do you know about Taxes?
Do you really know where your taxes are spent?
Navigating the Fine Line: Transparency and Privacy in Government Spending
In an era where information is more accessible than ever, the push for openness and transparency in government spending has gained momentum.
New World Order: The Bretton Woods Legacy and Shifting Reserve Currency Sands
One of the most important events of the 20th century, a New Global Order of the ages.
US Tax Day
It’s Tax Time again, find out the exact date your taxes are due, and how long you have.
Understanding the National Debt: Uncle Sam’s Borrowing Habit
Uncle Sam has been on a spending binge, find out how much and what it means for all of us.